Welivit – Plant profile

Individual Software
welivit Anlagesteckbrief Online Screenshot

Project description

In the application “Plant profile”, the data of solar systems are managed. Users can update the data and generate a system profile as a PDF document if changes are made to the systems. It is possible to manage the technical components and photos of the systems as well as the commercial data on contracts, insurances and orders.

By integrating VCOM monitoring, users can always monitor all current failures, decide on the necessary measures and commission the appropriate service providers to resolve them.

The invoice module enables fully automatic invoice recognition with assignment to funds, plants and contracts as well as the checking, approval and payment of the invoice via the banking system.

On the dashboard, users receive an overview of their current tasks and the status of assigned measures.

The integration of the fund management email inbox enables the integrated processing of all incoming emails, including assignment to ongoing orders. All documents are stored in the document management system via REST API.

Technologies used: Java, Spring, Vaadin, Hibernate, camunda BPMN, Quartz, REST, JUnit, Mockito, Selenium, Testbench, MySQL, Tomcat, Maven, GitLab, Jenkins, Sonar Qube, Nexus, Jira and Confluence

Project details

Customer Welivit GmbH
Category Individual Software


Welivit – Plant profile mobile

Individual Software
welivit Anlagesteckbrief mobile Screenshot

Project description

Everything at a glance!

At Welivit we designed and implemented an app to complement the online platform ” Plant profile “. The app supports the technician on site with important master data for the solar systems. All relevant data can be accessed at any time so that maintenance and repair work can be carried out quickly and reliably.

Project details

Customer Welivit GmbH
Category Individual Software