COMINTO GmbH is a company registered in Germany in the commercial register of the Local Court of Dusseldorf with its registered office in 40211 Düsseldorf.
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Disclaimer: Using the links found on the website will result in you leaving the COMINTO GmbH and the Blätterkatalog website (, The sites linked are not under the control of COMINTO GmbH. Despite careful monitoring, we do not assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators are solely responsible for the content of linked pages, COMINTO GmbH cannot be held liable for the content of any linked sites.
The information presented on this website is provided by COMINTO GmbH with the utmost care. We are continually striving to update this. Despite the utmost care, COMINTO GmbH cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information shown and thus does not accept liability for its reliability.
Updated: 23 January 2019