Deutsche Post – Printing Application
Individual Software

Project description
Development of a new application for the editing, postage optimization, production and billing of mailings.
Orders are delivered fully automatically, processed via a BPMN process and forwarded to the selected print service provider. Estimated production costs and the current project status are displayed directly in the application via a REST interface. Billing is then carried out via an SAP interface.
During the development the following technologies and organization tools have been used: Java, Spring, Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, jUnit, camunda BPMN, HTML, JavaScript, maven, Postgres, GitLab, Jenkins, Sonar Qube, Jira and Confluence.
In this partnership, we rely on both development activities in the Java domain and support in the operation of applications.
I would particularly like to highlight the reliability, the quality of the work outcomes, and the constructive cooperation in addressing new challenges.
Project details
Customer Deutsche Post AG
Category Individual Software
Deutsche Post – Mailingfactory
Individual Software

Project description
Development of an online mailing platform for Deutsche Post Dialog Solutions GmbH. The Mailingfactory can be used to create professional mailings, add addresses and send them out. The frontend was realized with Spring MVC. Central importance here is attached to the HTML5 editor. In the backend, the mailing factory has been integrated into the central data model, some existing central components have been reused. The component “Postwurf” has been newly developed.
Project details
Customer Deutsche Post AG
Category Individual Software
Deutsche Post – Plusbrief Editor
Individual Software

Project description
With the Plusbrief Editor, customers can easily design and send their individual postcards, envelopes or stamps online. In the first step, customers can select the desired format and the corresponding postage. Postcards or letters can then be personalised using the integrated HTML5 editor. Own pictures and graphics are uploaded quickly and personal greetings complete it finally.
Project details
Customer Deutsche Post AG
Category Individual Software